Lasting Power of Attorney

Putting your future affairs in order

Have you considered what might happen if you or a family member were no longer able to look after yourself or make decisions either through illness, injury or old age?

You can put in place Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) in which you appoint people of your choice to manage your affairs (known as an attorney) either now or should you become unable to do this yourself. LPAs can only be made by someone with the capacity to fully understand the implications of what they are doing.

There are two types of LPA:

  • Property and Financial Affairs LPA – this gives the appointed people authority to deal with your financial and related affairs.
  • Health and Welfare LPA – this gives the appointed people authority to decide where you live and deal with issues such as your care and treatment, but only if you become unable to make these decisions yourself.

Although it may be difficult for you to think about, putting an LPA in place will make things easier for you and your loved ones should you require assistance or something happen to you. Our specialist team will explain what is involved and discuss the options with you.


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